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Stefy De Cicco

Electro pop
Electronic music
House music
Stefy De Cicco was founded at the end of the 2000s. To this day, Luigi Modolo and Simone Ermacora are responsible for the success of the Italian EDM project. Stylistically positioned between melodic house, dance anthems and Italian nostalgia, the duo attracted attention in the early 2010s with track releases such as "Move Your Body" (2010), "Deep Down Inside of You" (2012) and "Boing" (2013). Chosen early on as the absolute figureheads of the nightclub scene in their home country, the album Prodigy became a mega-success with a huge public impact. Just one year later, the track "K...
Day 'N' Nite
Day 'N' Nite 

Marten Jensen Edit

Stefy De Cicco

Day 'N' Nite


KidsKSHMR, MKLA and Stefy De Cicco



4 to the Floor
4 to the FloorHUGEL, Stefy De Cicco, Nikol Apatini and Hugo Cantarra

4 to the Floor


Te Boté (Te Bote)
Te Boté (Te Bote)Alok, Stefy De Cicco and Axel Cooper

Te Boté


4 to the Floor
4 to the FloorHUGEL, Stefy De Cicco, Nikol Apatini and Hugo Cantarra

4 to the Floor

SuperstarStefy De Cicco, Shibui and Andrea Zelletta



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