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Steve Hackett

Rock music
Classical music
Hard rock
Raised on a diet of classical music, Steve Hackett – born in London, England on February 12, 1950 - discovered the great British blues guitarists of the 1960s as a teenager before becoming a revered axe man in his own right with legendary prog rockers Genesis. Part of the band's classic early line-up, Hackett played on landmark albums Selling England By the Pound (1973) and A Trick of the Tail (1976) but left the group in 1977 after releasing acclaimed solo debut Voyage of the Acolyte (1975).Famed for being one of the first rock guitarists to pioneer the two-handed tapping techni...
Circo Inferno
Circo InfernoSteve Hackett

The Circus and the Nightwhale


Wherever You Are
Wherever You AreSteve Hackett

The Circus and the Nightwhale


Shadow of the Hierophant
Shadow of the HierophantSteve Hackett

Voyage of the Acolyte

Star of Sirius
Star of SiriusSteve Hackett

Voyage of the Acolyte


People of the Smoke
People of the SmokeSteve Hackett

The Circus and the Nightwhale


Every Day
Every DaySteve Hackett

Out of the Tunnel's Mouth


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