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Steve Yoo

Pop music
Electro pop
Electronic music
Steve Sueng Jun Yoo, also known as Yoo Seung-jun, was born on December 15, 1976, in Seoul, South Korea, and is a South Korean-American singer, rapper, and actor. He rose to fame in the late 1990s as a K-pop icon, debuting in 1997 with the album West Side, which included the hit single "Gawi (Scissors)." Over his career, he released multiple best-selling albums, including For Sale (1998), Now or Never (1999), Over and Over (2000), and Infinity (2001), selling over 5 million records within five years. His career in South Korea ended abruptly in 2002 after accusations of evading man...
Here Now (Madness)
Here Now (Madness)Citizens LA, Joel Houston, Johnny Chay, Joshua Kim, Jane Hong, Jason Min, Julie Son, Justin Yun, Michael Guy Chislett, Steve Yoo, Syl Chang and Tim Jo


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