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Témé Tan

(Teme Tan)

French chanson
Electro pop
Electronic music
Singer and one-man band of Congolese origin, Tanguy Haesevoets alias Témé Tan was born on May 2, 1982 in Kinshasa. He moved to Brussels at the age of 6 with his mother, and often travelled to the Democratic Republic of Congo to see his father. His dual culture nurtured his art; music was central to his family, and he grew up on Congolese rumba, souk, the Malian blues of Ali Farka Touré and, as a teenager, hip-hop and fusion bands. As a young adult, he discovered Mathieu's minimalism. In parallel with his language studies, he recorded sounds on a dictaphone, sought out his own sty...
Il est où le SAV? (Il est ou le SAV?)
Il est où le SAV? (Il est ou le SAV?)Suzane and Témé Tan (Teme Tan)

Toï Toï


En silence
En silenceRoméo Elvis and Témé Tan (Romeo Elvis and Teme Tan)



RushMilky Chance and Témé Tan (Teme Tan)

Mind the Moon


Il est où le SAV? (Il est ou le SAV?)
Il est où le SAV? (Il est ou le SAV?)Suzane and Témé Tan (Teme Tan)

Toï Toï

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