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(Tetsuya Kakihara)

Pop music
Asiatic music
World music
Japanese voice artist and singer Tetsuya Kakihara was born on December 24, 1982, in Düsseldorf, Germany. He moved to Japan to pursue a career in voice acting, and in 2001, he enrolled in the Amusement Media Academy to study voice acting. At the time, he worked part-time jobs to support himself. By 2003, Tetsuya Kakihara had made his professional debut as a voice actor. He continued expanding his career throughout the following years, playing various roles in several anime series such as Ah! My Goddess, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and Kirarin Revolution. In 2007, he received a nom...
青嵐 (Aoarashi)
青嵐 (Aoarashi)柿原徹也 (Tetsuya Kakihara)


ラヴラヴ☆ギャンブル (Love Love Gambling)
ラヴラヴ☆ギャンブル (Love Love Gambling)柿原徹也 (Tetsuya Kakihara)


Give It To Me
Give It To Me柿原徹也 (Tetsuya Kakihara)

Give It To Me


♯笑っちゃうよな (#Waracchau yo na)
♯笑っちゃうよな (#Waracchau yo na)柿原徹也 (Tetsuya Kakihara)


前進アッペンダン↑^_^↓ (Zenshin Up and Down)
前進アッペンダン↑^_^↓ (Zenshin Up and Down)柿原徹也 (Tetsuya Kakihara)

United Star

友と共に (Tomo To Tomoni)
友と共に (Tomo To Tomoni)岡本信彦 and 柿原徹也 (Nobuhiko Okamoto and Tetsuya Kakihara)

trust and play

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