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The Count

Do de Rubber Duck
Do de Rubber DuckSesame Street, Jim Henson, Richard Hunt, Carroll Spinney, Jerry Nelson, Marty Robinson, Kevin Clash, Kermit the Frog, Gladys The Cow, Biff, Guy Smiley, Oscar The Grouch, Hoots The Owl, Ernie, The Count and Telly Monster

Put Down the Duckie!


Old MacDonald
Old MacDonaldSesame Street, Clifford Kevin Clash, Carroll Spinney, Jerry Nelson, Big Bird, Kelly La Croix, Calli Dye and The Count

Kids' Favorite Songs


The Lambaba!
The Lambaba!Sesame Street, Jerry Nelson, The Singing, Dancing Lambs and The Count

Hot! Hot! Hot! Dance Songs


Zig Zag Dance
Zig Zag DanceSesame Street, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Jerry Nelson and The Count
