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the telephones

Rock music
New wave
Asiatic music
the telephones is a Japanese rock band formed in 2005 in Saitama, Japan. They debuted with their first EP "we are the handclaps E.P." in April 2007. They released their first album "JAPAN" in April 2008, followed by their second EP "Love&DISCO E.P." in August, and their second album "DANCE FLOOR MONSTERS" in July 2009. This was followed by their 3rd album "We Love Telephones! and their 4th album "Rock Kingdom" in 2011, followed by their first single "Keep Your DISCO!!! / Ring a Bell" in March 2013. / Ring a Bell" in March 2013. Immediately after, their 5th album "Laugh,Cry,Sing.....
Pink Gang
Pink Gangthe telephones and 4s4ki


What's Your Name???
What's Your Name???the telephones

Laugh, Cry, Sing... and Dance!!!


Monkey Discooooooo
Monkey Discooooooothe telephones

Dance Floor Monsters


Love & DISCO
Love & DISCOthe telephones

100% Disco Hits! Summer Pack


Urban Disco
Urban Discothe telephones

Dance Floor Monsters


kiss me, love me, kiss me
kiss me, love me, kiss methe telephones

Oh My Telephones!!!


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