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The Third Degree

Old school hip hop
Rap music
Chop Away at My Heart (from "Milo Murphy's Law")
Chop Away at My Heart (from "Milo Murphy's Law") 

ZABA Version

Zaba, Meelz, Cast of M.W.C.A. and The Third Degree


Chop Away at My Heart
Chop Away at My Heart 

ZABA Version

Zaba, Meelz and The Third Degree


Stacy's Mom
Stacy's Mom 

Ode to Dr. Hirano

Cast of M.W.C.A., Meelz, The Third Degree and Gondré the Wordsmith


Kill Me
Kill MeThe Third Degree

Real Men Love Jesus
Real Men Love JesusThe Third Degree

SeventeenThe Third Degree