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The Trews

Rock music
Folk rock
Hard rock
Formed in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1997, The Trews is a rock band that has become one of the Top 40 selling Canadian bands in Canada. The band’s original line-up was comprised of Colin McDonald (vocals/guitar), John-Angus McDonald (guitar), Jack Syperek (bass) and Sean Dalton (drums). The band’s original name was One I’d Trouser and they released their debut release, The Trouser E.P. in 1997. They changed their name to The Trousers before settling on The Trews. Their second release was 2002 Trews EP. Their full-length debut album, House of Ill Fame, was released on Epic...
Not Ready To Go
Not Ready To GoThe Trews

House of Ill Fame


Tired of Waiting
Tired of WaitingThe Trews

House of Ill Fame


Highway of Heroes
Highway of HeroesThe Trews

Hope & Ruin


Sing Your Heart Out
Sing Your Heart OutThe Trews

Hope & Ruin

Not Ready To Go
Not Ready To GoThe Trews

Hope & Ruin


Poor Ol Broken Hearted Me
Poor Ol Broken Hearted MeThe Trews

Den of Thieves


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