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Thomas Stenström

(Thomas Stenstrom)

Pop music
Electro pop
Electronic music
Singer/songwriter Thomas Stenström was born Karl Thomas Stenström in Uddevalla, Sweden on January 19, 1988. He is known for his knack for writing catchy, anthemic pop songs that manage to sound epic and vulnerable at the same time. Born and raised in Uddevalla, Thomas Stenström received the Ted Gärdestad scholarship in 2010, after which he released Nåt annat, nån annanstans (2012), his studio debut. Preceded by the singles “Detsamma,” “Krossade drömmar,” and “Full av liv,” the album marked the beginning of his promising music career. Propelled by the success of the single “Slå mi...
Himlen över city (Himlen oever city)
Himlen över city (Himlen oever city)Thomas Stenström (Thomas Stenstrom)

Himlen Över City

Du kommer sakna mig mindre och mindre
Du kommer sakna mig mindre och mindreThomas Stenström (Thomas Stenstrom)

Du kommer sakna mig mindre och mindre

Nätterna (Natterna)
Nätterna (Natterna)Thomas Stenström (Thomas Stenstrom)

Spring Baby Spring

Adios Amigos
Adios AmigosThomas Stenström (Thomas Stenstrom)

Adios Amigos

Slå mig hårt i ansiktet (Sla mig hart i ansiktet)
Slå mig hårt i ansiktet (Sla mig hart i ansiktet)Thomas Stenström (Thomas Stenstrom)


Dom får mig aldrig levande (Dom far mig aldrig levande)
Dom får mig aldrig levande (Dom far mig aldrig levande)Petter and Thomas Stenström (Thomas Stenstrom)

Dom får mig aldrig levande

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