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Tim Minchin

Pop rock
Rock music
Musician, comedian, actor, and writer Tim Minchin was born to Australian parents on October 7, 1975, in Northampton, England. Known for his scraggy red hair, eye make-up and bare feet, he looks like a failed 1970s glam-rock star, and he plays satirical songs that whimsically ramble on about all manner of surreal topics. While born in England, when he was young, his parents relocated back to Australia, where he grew up in Perth. Interested in music at a young age, he began studying piano at the age of 8, but tiring of the discipline required in learning piano, he gave up at the ag...
Beautiful Ugly
Beautiful UglyTim Minchin and Evie Irie


If I Didn't Have You
If I Didn't Have YouTim Minchin

Ready for This? Live at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London


You Grew On Me
You Grew On MeTim Minchin

Tim Minchin and the Heritage Orchestra


F Sharp
F SharpTim Minchin

So Fucking Rock


Inflatable You
Inflatable YouTim Minchin

So Fucking Rock


If You Really Loved Me
If You Really Loved MeTim Minchin

So Fucking Rock


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