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Tim Montana

Rock music
Country rock
Country music
Born on 5 January 1985 in Kalispell, Montana, multi-talented US singer-songwriter, guitarist, and TV star Tim Montana (born January 5, 1985) grew up in an off-grid trailer in Butte, Montana and famously taught himself to play guitar by candelight. In 2003, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a music career and was encouraged by guitarist and producer Johnny Hiland to record his debut album Iron Horse four years later. After assembling the Shrednecks with guitarist Kyle Rife, drummer Brian Wolff, and bassist Bryce Paul, he fortuitously crossed paths with ZZ Top founder Ben Gibbons w...
Higher Education
Higher EducationMichael Ray, Kid Rock, Billy Gibbons, Lee Brice and Tim Montana

Higher Education


Cowboys on the Run
Cowboys on the RunTim Montana and Kid Rock

American Thread

Do It Fast
Do It FastTim Montana

Long Shots


Gone Looks Better
Gone Looks BetterTim Montana

Long Shots


SavageTim Montana

Devil You Know
Devil You KnowTim Montana

Devil You Know


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