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Toby Keith

Country music
Contemporary country
Country pop
Born Toby Keith Covel in Clinton, Oklahoma on July 8, 1961, Toby Keith was a country music singer-songwriter whose honky tonk recordings made him a solid performer in concerts and on radio and records through the 1990s and beyond. He had a series of successful albums, but he was catapulted to super-stardom following the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York when he wrote and recorded a song that appealed to the patriotic heartland of America titled “Courtesy of the Red, White & Blue (The Angry American).” He released a steady series of hit albums and singles ever sinc...
How Do You Like Me Now?!
How Do You Like Me Now?!Toby Keith

How Do You Like Me Now?!


Courtesy Of the Red, White And Blue (The Angry American)
Courtesy Of the Red, White And Blue (The Angry American)Toby Keith



Should've Been a Cowboy
Should've Been a CowboyToby Keith

Toby Keith


You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This
You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like ThisToby Keith

How Do You Like Me Now?!


I Love This Bar
I Love This BarToby Keith

Shock 'N Y'all


American Soldier
American SoldierToby Keith

Shock 'N Y'all


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