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Tom Wolf (contributor)

Pop rock
Rock music
Orange Monkey
Orange MonkeyThe Antler King, Arne Leurentop, Esther Lybeert, Jan Chantrain (contributor), Maarten Flamand (contributor), Tom Wolf (contributor), Tom Callens (contributor), Bruno Coussée (contributor) and Filip Huyghebaert (contributor)


Foreign Land
Foreign LandThe Antler King, Arne Leurentop, Esther Lybeert, Jan Chantrain (contributor), Maarten Flamand (contributor), Tom Wolf (contributor), Tom Callens (contributor), Bruno Coussée (contributor) and Filip Huyghebaert (contributor)


Moon Shapes Sounds
Moon Shapes SoundsThe Antler King, Arne Leurentop, Esther Lybeert, Jan Chantrain (contributor), Maarten Flamand (contributor), Tom Wolf (contributor), Tom Callens (contributor), Bruno Coussée (contributor) and Filip Huyghebaert (contributor)


Birds in Disguise
Birds in DisguiseThe Antler King, Arne Leurentop, Esther Lybeert, Jan Chantrain (contributor), Maarten Flamand (contributor), Tom Wolf (contributor), Tom Callens (contributor), Bruno Coussée (contributor) and Filip Huyghebaert (contributor)
