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Tony Ellis

Country music
Jimmy Brown the Newsboy
Jimmy Brown the NewsboyBill Monroe, Tony Ellis, Owen Bradley, Bessie Lee Mauldin, Culley Holt, Franklin G. Buchanan and Red Stanley

The Definitive Collection


Going Home
Going HomeBill Monroe, Tony Ellis, Owen Bradley, Bessie Lee Mauldin, Culley Holt, Franklin G. Buchanan and Red Stanley

I'll Meet You in Church Sunday Morning


Cotton Fields
Cotton FieldsBill Monroe, Buddy Spicher, Tony Ellis, Joe Lesté, Bessie Lee Mauldin and Horace "Benny" Williams

Bluegrass Ramble


Swing Low Sweet Chariot
Swing Low Sweet ChariotJerry Burnham and Tony Ellis

Step It up and Go
Step It up and GoJerry Burnham and Tony Ellis

Bluegrass, Pt. 1 (Bluegrass Twist)
Bluegrass, Pt. 1 (Bluegrass Twist) 


Bill Monroe, Tony Ellis, Carl Butler, Curtis McPeake, Owen Bradley and Dale Potter
