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Vertical Worship

Rock music
Pop music
Vertical Worship, formerly called the Vertical Church Band, are a musical collective with a changing line-up from Chicago who perform and record songs of worship. Their 2012 debut recording, 'Live Worship from Vertical Church', went to number ten on Billboard's Top Christian Albums Chart. They released EP 'Vertical' in 2013 and the album 'The Rock Won't Move' reached number two on the Top Christian Albums Chart in the same year. EP 'White' came out in 2014 and in 2015 the album 'Church Songs' topped the Top Christian Albums Chart. 'Frontiers' (2016) went to number two and 'Bright...
Yes I Will
Yes I WillVertical Worship


Living Years
Living YearsVertical Worship, David Leonard, Jacob Sooter, Judson Harris and Vanessa Dalrymple


Praise God
Praise GodVertical Worship, Austin Davis, Jacob Sooter, Vanessa Dalrymple, Mia Fields, Jordy Shutt and Timothy Dalrymple


Blessed - Song Session
Blessed - Song SessionVertical Worship and Essential Worship


Coming Back (Live)
Coming Back (Live)Vertical Worship, Chris Davenport, Vanessa Dalrymple and Bryan Fowler


Yes I Will
Yes I WillVertical Worship

Yes I Will

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