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White Lies

Rock music
Punk rock
New wave
Originally known as Fear of Flying, the British trio – Harry McVeigh (vocals/guitar), Charles Cave (bass), and Jack Lawrence-Brown (drums) – released a few singles in 2006 before reinventing themselves as White Lies in 2007 and achieving international success. The group’s early sound was lovable Britpop, but they adopted a more atmospheric, gloomy sound as White Lies. Lyrical themes such as death, loss and electro-shock therapy instantly gave their new songs a spiraling, morbid eeriness and they were soon being hailed as future stars by the NME, XFM and in the BBC Sound of 2009. ...
Is My Love Enough?
Is My Love Enough?White Lies


A Place to Hide
A Place to HideWhite Lies

To Lose My Life


Fifty On Our Foreheads
Fifty On Our ForeheadsWhite Lies

To Lose My Life


First Time Caller
First Time CallerWhite Lies

Big TV


There Goes Our Love Again
There Goes Our Love AgainWhite Lies

Big TV


Farewell to the Fairground
Farewell to the FairgroundWhite Lies

To Lose My Life


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