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White Zombie

Hardcore punk
Rock music
Metal music
Obsessed with horror, gore and thrashing theatrical rock, Rob Zombie grew up wanting to be Alice Cooper, Stephen Spielberg and comic book creator Stan Lee - and in his own way he did. Forming White Zombie with then girlfriend Sean Yseult while studying at Parsons School of Design in New York, the band played their first gig at the legendary CBGB club in 1986 and gained acclaim from Kurt Cobain, Iggy Pop and Thurston Moore for debut Soul-Crusher (1987), released through their own Silent Explosion label. Full of noisy, mid-tempo, groove metal and B-movie samples, third album La Sex...
Thunder Kiss '65
Thunder Kiss '65Rob Zombie and White Zombie

La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Volume 1


More Human Than Human
More Human Than HumanWhite Zombie

Astro Creep: 2000


Children of the Grave
Children of the GraveWhite Zombie

Let Sleeping Corpses Lie


Thunder Kiss '65
Thunder Kiss '65White Zombie and Rob Zombie

Mondo Sex Head

Super-Charger Heaven
Super-Charger HeavenWhite Zombie and Rob Zombie

Astro Creep: 2000


Black Sunshine
Black SunshineWhite Zombie

Let Sleeping Corpses Lie


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