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(Yoko Takahashi)

Pop music
Asiatic music
World music
Japanese pop singer Yōko Takahashi was born August 28, 1966 in Tokyo. She released Pizzicato, her debut album, in 1992. Her next two albums, 1993’s Kugatsu no Sotsugyö and 1994’s Watashi wo Mitsukete failed to perform as well as her debut, but her career spiked in 1995 when her record “A Cruel Angel’s Thesis” was used as the theme song for the hugely popular anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. The ongoing success of that single led to a 1997 album of songs inspired by Evangelion that not only gave Yōko Takahashi her biggest success on the album charts, but also included “Tamash...
残酷な天使のテーゼ (Zankoku Na Tenshi No These)
残酷な天使のテーゼ (Zankoku Na Tenshi No These) 

2009 Version

高橋洋子 (Yoko Takahashi)

20th century Boys & Girls


残酷な天使のテーゼ (Cruel Angel's Thesis)
残酷な天使のテーゼ (Cruel Angel's Thesis) 

Director's Edit Version

高橋洋子 (Yoko Takahashi)

Neon Genesis Evangelion


魂のルフラン (Tamashii No Rufuran)
魂のルフラン (Tamashii No Rufuran)高橋洋子 (Yoko Takahashi)

Evangelion Finally


おかえり (okaeri)
おかえり (okaeri)高橋洋子 (Yoko Takahashi)


残酷な天使のテーゼ (Zankoku Na Tenshi No These)
残酷な天使のテーゼ (Zankoku Na Tenshi No These) 

Version '96

高橋洋子 (Yoko Takahashi)


9月の卒業 (9 tsuki no sotsugyou)
9月の卒業 (9 tsuki no sotsugyou)高橋洋子 (Yoko Takahashi)

Golden Best


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