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Young Black Teenagers

Rap music
Old school hip hop
East Coast rap
Young Black Teenagers (YBT) emerged in 1989 as a unique and controversial hip-hop group from Long Island, New York, composed of five white members—ATA, First Born, Tommy Never, Kamron, and DJ Skribble—who aligned themselves with Black culture and hip-hop. Under the mentorship of Public Enemy’s producer Hank Shocklee, they became the first act signed to his SOUL (Sound of Urban Listeners) label. Their 1991 self-titled debut album included the singles "Nobody Knows Kelli," "Proud to Be Black," and "To My Donna," while their 1993 follow-up, Dead Enz Kidz Doin' Lifetime Bidz, produce...
Roll w/ the Flavor
Roll w/ the FlavorYoung Black Teenagers

Dead Enz Kidz Doin' Lifetime Bidz


Back For Your Head
Back For Your HeadYoung Black Teenagers

Dead Enz Kidz Doin' Lifetime Bidz


Nobody Knows
Nobody KnowsYoung Black Teenagers and Loser


Tap the Bottle
Tap the BottleYoung Black Teenagers

Dead Enz Kidz Doin' Lifetime Bidz

Time to Make the Dough Nutz
Time to Make the Dough NutzYoung Black Teenagers

Dead Enz Kidz Doin' Lifetime Bidz


Plead the Fifth
Plead the FifthYoung Black Teenagers

Dead Enz Kidz Doin' Lifetime Bidz


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