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Zac Efron

Pop music
Dance music
Electronic music
King of the "tweenie bopper" and all-round heartthrob, Zac Efron's role as Troy Bolton in Disney's all-singing, all-dancing High School Musical films made him an international superstar and poster boy, pin-up to an army of swooning teenage fans. Playing the captain of the school basketball team, his relationship both on and off screen with co-star Vanessa Hudgens made him the talk of the tabloids and sent the movies and their soundtracks to the top of the charts. Shortly after the first movie's release, Efron's duet with Hudgens, Breaking Free, shot to Number 4 in the US charts w...
Rewrite the Stars
Rewrite the StarsZac Efron and Zendaya

The Greatest Showman [B.O.F.]


The Greatest Show
The Greatest ShowHugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Keala, Zendaya, Keala Settle and The Greatest Showman Ensemble

The Greatest Showman [B.O.F.]


The Other Side
The Other SideZac Efron and Hugh Jackman

The Greatest Showman [B.O.F.]


Gotta Go My Own Way
Gotta Go My Own WayZac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens

Disney Singalong - High School Musical 2

You Can't Stop the Beat
You Can't Stop the Beat 

Clean Version

Queen Latifah, John Travolta, Zac Efron, Nikki Blonsky, Elijah Kelley and Amanda Bynes

Breaking Free (with Vanessa Hudgens)
Breaking Free (with Vanessa Hudgens)Zac Efron

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