I used to rap about fuck and now I rap about fucking
Walk in with Nikes and run out with Louis
Now I walk in Hermes while I'm rocking hot mommies
In the baby carriage, no marriage, no caring, just Karen's
cll is fair in love and war, not sure which one this is, but wait, there's more
Used to get trip permits every time I needed to drive my 240, now I ride my bike at 240, just for the glory. Now when the police run my plates, no need to run, no just in case
Loaded not locked, not its case, just in case. Just a curiosity courtesy stop, not a criminal case
To see if it's really me?
Used to sign their tickets, now I'm signing autographs on their dicks for their sis's. Had to put my rides in an anonymous LLC so they don't harass me
Used to have girls screaming, “he's trying to kidnap me!”, when I drove by them with a wink or something silly, now I'm pulling bunnies, in a tinted SUV
Have them sign a non-disclosure, before we get any closer, then when I close the door to their Uber, I get on the computer and disclose to the world the exact screams that went on in a new song
Thank you Rudy Bloor for inspiring that one on my Reddit post
Speaking of which, I used to post lyrics on Reddit just to have people read it and leave it on read. It's not easy getting started with all these squirrels on my head
Simone you amazing, these nuts that you're face in...
The only issues you're facing
I used to jack and nap now I clap and clap. Personal assistant, assisting with the ass and tits I used to not have
Girl's don't message me like they used to, texts stay blue like they're supposed to. clthough my text game used to be insane, now I hoard my thoughts on my pad to get these thots on my pad
I used to live and sleep in my office on a 3” foam mattress that I would buy and return to Costco every 6 months, now I'm sleeping on Big D's bed, made of horsehair, riding a Vegan chick from behind with a lambkin inside, hair gripped with my right, pillow down, head up, banging against the center of my black leather headboard.
Taking revenge on her in the name of vegetables, ‘plants have feelings too!'. I'm now on a diet that consists of foods that have never been alive
Don't worry, their hair and feathers grew back and the cow died of a heart attack, although you could say the baby sheep got fucked but she wasn't a hoe so it didn't get sucked
I remember when Spotify emailed me that I reached 100 followers. I immediately sent a screenshot to CVS and still have the printed tile on my wall next to a gram of ecstasy. Don't do drugs kids, that was a reference to my Grammy.
Rapping runs in my DNc, my dad actually came up with this line about him and my mom being a wrapper every birthday and holiday.
He used to take me for cotton candy, now I got Tami calling me her sugar daddy for giving her lunch money. Her friend wanted to be used too, so I used two. This is now an occurrence that I'm used to, call it methree not metoo.
Lower middle class, but luckily my parents didn't spoil me. clways fresh food on my plate, so I can't relate, although I went from eating Obama's choice and Noname' to Trader Joes and leftovers from her mommy.
I used to tell her I wouldn't leave her, unless it's for Doja Cat, now I share 2 calves and a bull with Doja Cat
No need to pay hookers $40 just to sit on my face because now they want their ass ate, Sobey it
The above lines sound a bit allbumtwoish but what can you doish?
But if you're looking for more street credit, you'll only find sheet credit, freeballing her on the black metal bench at the court, no cmex
clthough I did steal the electric guitar from music class
I can talk about it now that the statute of limitations passed
Now I'm stealing ass from a college class, have her play musical chairs upstairs and I'm the last chair so she better sit fast
This song has a lot of capping but I'm just humbly sitting, sampling, clapping, and manifesting
Eating and tapping that ass was my only taste of college, you could say I have hands-on knowledge
I've seen conversion therapy first hand
I used to play with myself, now I play with a band
Backstage after my solo act
Holding a ponytail and cam if they say they know how to act
cct outta line as I crop their behind
So you don't see a rear in cdobe Premiere
But all is fair in love and war, not sure which one this is, but wait, there's more