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Christian Camp

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There was this one time
Two kids at Christian camp
Were both just thinking
How it was full of shit cnd as they gazed out
c foggy window
They caught a glimpse of
c life they soon would know

Where you don't look down
You can have your own ground
Hear me loud
Hear me

Now and then I still get that feeling
Yes after all this time I still get to sinking

The both set fire
To their bunk house bed
cnd when they ran out
Its when they first met
One looked to the right
The other to the left
cnd for the first time
Shared each others breath

Where you don't look down
You can have your own ground
Hear me loud
Hear me

Now and then I still get that feeling
Yes after all this time I still get to sinking

Now as our story
Comes to its lovely end
I'll blow a kiss and
Send it in the wind
I hope it finds you
When you need it most
It will touch your face
cnd put you in that place

Where you don't look down
You can have your own ground
Hear me loud
Hear me


Christopher Knight



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