What gives you the right to take up space in my head
And what choice has the night to put you in my bed
What do you think, are we of the same kind
Well, have fun, all you ghosts in my mind
And the smell of burnt hair as he rises in the morning
The sun and his bittersweet rays, thought-provoking
The petals of lavender left by the summery wind
All remind him of her, her, her
And it's her down the gravelly paths of the village
And her up the crooked old steps to the chapel
And it's her in the lavender breeze that caresses
Her skin that was touched by the sea
When the Mongol hordes come to the Paris soirée
And the libertine crown has been shattered, that's when
He'll take refuge in the smell of burnt hair and
The summery breeze with the lavender leaves
Cause it's her in the way that wild geese flap their wings
And it's her 'cause the grey of the rocks is the grey of the sky
And his love is expansive and beautiful
Vast like the ocean that sings her a song
Well I hate to see the evening sun go down
I hate to see the evening sun go down
Because my baby gone and left this town
Well, have fun, all you ghosts in my mind