Girl I know that I'm in the wrong
All the wrong shit I've done
I took out my gun than I put on my fac
You've always wanted to open a case
I hope you remember me by
I wish I could've been your guy
I wanted you to be my bae
Five years I liked you I know that
I said some shit that I didn't mean
I know that we we're young
People like you I struggle to find
Clearly you one of a kind
We are nautical nonsense combined
I hope that your parents don't mind
Pull up with a lamb by your house some time
Always have love for you under the weather
Maybe in the future we'll be together
Losing you is like I got shot in the heart
I was taught to never get touched
Drive a hour for a minute with you
You hella cool and special too
Let's go and see the beauty in atlantis
I want you to know that you reg
Sometimes I wanted to break my leg
You were always there when I needed the help
Grade six was a long year of hell
I'm assuming one day imma meet your parents
Let me correct that my mother and father in law
I know that these past days i fucked up my chances
I guess that's the lesson for holding the grudges
After the stories I've heard I'm in love with you
I can't be the only one expressing my gratitude
Latitude and longitude don't matter when I'm with you
At any point in life imma always defend you
without you in my life all I feel is demise
But hey girl i guess it's the sign of the times
Girl I know that I'm in the wrong
All the wrong shit I've done
I took out my gun than I put on my face
You've always wanted to open a case
I hope you remember me by
I wish I could've been your guy
I wanted you to be my bae
Five years I liked you I know that
I said some shit that I didn't mean
I know that we we're young
People like you I struggle to find
Clearly you one of a kind
We are nautical nonsense combined
I hope that your parents don't mind
Pull up with a lamb by your house some time
Always have love for you under the weather
maybe in the future we'll be together
People have hurt you in the past
I promise this year's the last
always protect you no matter the cost
Watching Geordie Shore Gaz was the boss
When you around me I'm winning the toss
And guess even didn't suffer a loss
Five years nah make that six years
In the public imma always be yours
Twenty nineteen we were the best
You watching my games I was the best
Where are they now I'm the player of the season
Fly you all the way to the city of Manhattan
Work together we can discover our passion
You deserve the love of the world
I guess we all scared of commitment
But someone tell me what else are we missing the nights out the smiling the kissing
baby this is the shit I'm suggesting
I learn't my lesson via others on betting
Is it the gifts you were promised on getting
What the fuck are we missing
Girl I know that I'm in the wrong
All the wrong shit I've done
I took out my gun than I put on my face
You've always wanted to open a case
I hope you remember me by
I wish I could've been your guy
I wanted you to be my bae
Five years I liked you I know that
I said some shit that I didn't mean
I know that we we're young
People like you I struggle to find
Clearly you one of a kind
We are nautical nonsense combined
I hope that your parents don't mind
Pull up with a lamb by your house some time
Always have love for you under the weather
Maybe in the future we'll be together