Sometimes you gotta risk it
Because life don't always
Maybe on a mission under cover
Be there for me like a brother
I'm taking off seems smooth like butter
Sometimes you gotta risk it
Cause life don't always taste like a biscuit
I got one leg half out the window
Right there where the wind blow
One day I'll be right there
Where the cash flow everything passing in slow-mo
Passing cause they ready for this everlasting show
And I don't waste my time no more
I stumble over bits & pieces across
I'm alone is that the only thing you see?
I'm standing in the front row
Speculate until exhausted
Agree to what the heart says
Count them on a hand it ain't a dousent
Stand up & stop the cussing
Perche voglio ballare con te
And what about those dots in your face
I change my mind about you
Like my freckles come and go
V you look like a corpse found in water
Hold on that's not it cause your face looks like
Why can't you mind your fucking business?
I love everything about me
Let me live it, shut it & mind your fucking business
With a lack of entertainment