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Beth Hart

Blues rock
Pop rock
The powerful voice of Californian Beth Hart (born in Los Angeles on January 24, 1972) is particularly well-suited to her repertoire of blues rock and pop rock. After a modest band debut on Beth Hart and the Ocean of Souls (1993), the singer and multi-instrumentalist (piano, guitar, bass) produced Immortal (1996), with the Beth Hart Band, then achieved a certain notoriety three years later with the title track "L.A. Song", featured in an episode of Beverly Hills 90210, and also appeared on her album Screamin' for My Supper, released the same year. Also in 1999, Beth Hart played th...
I'd Rather Go Blind
I'd Rather Go BlindBeth Hart and Joe Bonamassa

Don't Explain


Close to My Fire
Close to My FireBeth Hart and Joe Bonamassa



Ain't No Way
Ain't No WayBeth Hart and Joe Bonamassa

Don't Explain

I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know
I Love You More Than You'll Ever KnowBeth Hart and Joe Bonamassa



Can't Let Go
Can't Let GoBeth Hart and Joe Bonamassa

Live in Amsterdam


Your Heart Is as Black as Night
Your Heart Is as Black as NightBeth Hart and Joe Bonamassa

Don't Explain

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