I woke up to a gray, gray sky
And I wished I could turn gray to blue
Pitter patter exclaimed the raindrops
As I pulled on my yellow rain boots
Singing rain, rain, rain, oh go away
Skip, skip, skip, oh skip to my Lou
I danced through the puddles like a caribou
Use my umbrella as if it were a cane
I'm the king of the world; I'm the queen of the rain
All the grass is greener and the gardens grow
The lakes do rise, and the rivers flow
La, la, la, la, la, la ,la ,la ,la
Patty, patty cake, oh bakers man
Won't you send away this rain as fast as you can?
Angry dark clouds won't you blow away
And come back again another day
Or I'm bound to sing my rainy, rainy day song
Singing rain, rain go away all day long
Stuck my hand out held the last raindrop
This rain parade had decided to stop
Thanks for all the green and thanks for the wet
But I'm glad your gone I don't pretend to be upset
You had your job and you did just fine
Now I'm ready for a little sunshine
La, la, la, la, la , la, la