Hey, hey! Take that mop and- ah!
Take that mop handle away from here
Don't start that fightin' in here
You better stop that fightin' in here
A-go home and fight go home and fight
You can't sleep in here wake up, fella
I said you can't sleep in here
Said Mr man, now I done told you once
Now you can't sleep in here
Yeah, but this ain't no hotel, man
I ain't got no more money pay my hotel rent
But you can't sleep in heres
Up on the table folks got eat on that tablе
This ain't no hotel, that ain't no bed
Gеt up and get on outta here!
Go down to the bus station
Go home and sleep go home and sleep
Put shoes on, maybe you hear what I say?
Put shoes on, maybe say Ms lady
But you can't take your shoes off in here
But my feets hurt! Lady, I'm sorry
You can't take your shoes off
In this nice, respectable restaurant
We got people comin' in here
From all over the world ordering food
And y'all just walk in, take your shoes off
Wearin' them little tight, square-toed shoes
Them folks makin' out here
But you can't just wrap if the salmon's up
And go home and take your shoes off
And then you can wiggle your toes
You know, suck your fish bones
And throw your fish fat plates
And it don't make no difference
But get on outta here, uh uh!
Go home and take your shoes
Go home and take your shoes off
That's where you do that now bye
And I said you over there
Say, where you two lovebirds
Y'all ain't in no drive-in movie
This is a nice, respectable restaurant
But we is in love with each other!
Us just got married this morning!
You can't you can't kiss here
If you're on your honeymoon
Go to Hawaii or Las Vegas or somewhere
Here from the Health Department, now
He take my license away from me
Ain't no kissin on my-on my
License to run this place
It ain't no kissin' on there, I sell food
Folks come in here from all over the world
Go home and kiss go home and kiss
Now bye, get on outta here mmm, Lord
Ha ha, now let that stay on in there
Little raw, but it's alright, heh! Oh, go
Them folks just bought this place