Today I'm the guy to look at on the subway.
Today I'm the guy falling asleep.
Bad news caught in my throat
Today I got the call about the clicker
Yesterday it was the guy with the cane.
Looking sideways, dragging his stump.
Sitting tall on the bench.
Back straight against the map.
Head touching all the way to the tip of Manhattan.
I can't barely see Staten Island.
Yep, lotta eyes on me today
Just not the ones in the square brown glasses,
with the black scarfing their head
Those eyes are shut tight.
Couldn't open em with a crowbar.
Well, maybe if you got in there below the chin
where the line comes down straight
like the don't-step crack in the sidewalk
that the lady with the pink baby
and the guy in the fake French hat
saw in the Darwin thru May sign.
The crack the headphone guy hears
In the 12th bar of his blues
The crack we saw in the Prospect Tunnel
The crack I tripped on today
When I stepped on some trouble