I see smoke everywhere smoke everywhere
My people everywhere everywhere
They're puffing anywhere anywhere
Enter ma city and they go ask you
Ichagokwa anya bia nwanne
Ichagokwa anya bia nwanne
Eke bia mee ka i na anyu nsi
Eke bia mee ka i na acho ihe
Living life in the jungle
Right now we spending in bundle
I turn ma proxity to rockcity
Nwanne ma guys na ese ese
And then I ga eche na anwuru n'efe efe
Ofu uche si m na jamb aburo one man side
So brother paass the money to the left hand side
Right in the mall laserly puffing
And igaa na azuuno nwanne
I ga afu ebe guys na achachalunu obere anya ah
Isi gi akaraka jonzing akuo gi
Ndi imi bia ha ncha emeboo gi
Ma imuro anya ndi eke enwee gi jide gi tipu gi anya ka izuru oshi, ah!
My niggas be puffing like good push
When we roll presidential like we George Bush
Royal highness we chilling in cloud nine
Kush music on the go its about time
I see smoke everywhere smoke everywhere
My people everywhere everywhere
They're puffing anywhere anywhere
Enter ma city and they go ask you
Ichagokwa anya bia nwanne
Ichagokwa anya bia nwanne
Eke bia mee ka i na anyu nsi!
Eke bia mee ka i na acho ihe!
Nwanne itinye isi na ogbe m ha na akpo ya achicha
And icho ndi anya torch imana iga afu ya na onicha
And oburu na ijiro chaa azogbuo gi ka nwa ochicha
Abatara m club wee my teacher ebe o na ese so see na
Si m na anyi enwero advert
Kpuonu m isi akpuru alibat ka ndi ozo kasi ere
Ha ga enye gi basin garri
Before we can't pay bills now
We getting this dollar bills money filling the suites so we all be counting in mills
The niggas are milling me willingly feeling me
because am smoking the ish like chimini
Ha na ekwuzi na ihe m na ekwu na adi omimi,
and m puta ha ncha niile ana agba nkiri
Were egwu m na agba ngwu ka obuzi egwu ekpili
The shit jisi m ike ka m abu eriri
So for ndi niile ji m agba ama asili
Si ha ga kpoo omimi n'ime oke osimiri
Take a good look at the game, you will never see my ties
Jonzing ga eme gi itete na new Bugatti
Ufodu chachaa ichee na ha nwere anya 4:30 yeee
I see smoke everywhere smoke everywhere
My people everywhere everywhere
They're puffing anywhere anywhere
Enter ma city and they go ask you
Ichagokwa anya bia nwanne
Ichagokwa anya bia nwanne
Eke bia mee ka i na anyu nsi
Eke bia mee ka i na acho ihe
Nwanne ara agbakwana gi o
Wete ihe a ka m kissigodu ya ihota
Gentle display onwebedi ihe ifuu
Obuudi nwantampelebense nwanne
Negodu otu okoko a si e display