I like tracksuits and afros,
The boys don't like that though,
I wear my hair in a bun, my hair don't reach my bum,
I'm at the, the bottom of the list,
The boys don't like my hair in an afro.
I want to feel like a woman,
But I don't got the body for that,
Too small, nothing there at all,
I checked two three, four five years ago,
No more years to grow I'm stuck like this,
The boys don't like that so.
If you wanna get with my love,
If you wanna get with my love,
If you wanna get with my love,
If you wanna get with my love,
There's not many people with a smile like this one,
You'd think I won a prize for these big eyes,
And those dimples, on my cheeks,
And my back, just above my ass,
I like like like me like this,
I like like like me like that,
If you wanna get with my love,
If you wanna get with my love,
If you wanna get with my love,
If you wanna get with my love,